Using social media for your career
By: Vincent Tran
Published on: November 18 2022
In today’s day and age, social media has become one of the most prevalent things out there. Especially in Canada, almost everyone has some form of social media in order to stay in contact with others and keep up with everything that’s happening in the world.
Social media has become an important part of our lives and is woven into many aspects of our lives. One aspect of your life that social media can have a great impact on is your career.
Nowadays, people are using social media to gain a large following and become influencers, something that wouldn’t be possible 15 or 20 years ago. People are using social media to grow their ideas into things that are much bigger and it can be an important part of your career.
There are many ways in which social media can be used to further your career. Here are a few ways that you can use social media to your advantage.
Learn more about social media
As with anything, learning more about social media can greatly help your career. If you understand how each different social media works then you could use that knowledge to your advantage and gain an upper hand in your career.
If you’re an aspiring baker or restaurant owner, learning more about how Instagram works can help you a lot.
Instagram is primarily an image and video sharing social media platform, so you could post pictures and videos of the different kinds of food that you sell and that could get more people to take interest in your business. Instagram is a great place to expand your business and there are many different aspects of the platform that you should know about.
You can teach yourself how certain social media applications work by exploring and going through the app yourself or by watching tips from other social media influencers. YouTube is a great place for you to learn more about social media and some tips and tricks that you could use. You could even read some articles on the basics of each social media platform and how to use them.
It is key to learn about what each social media platform has to offer so you can maximise your potential and grow your career.
Share your brand
Use your newfound knowledge on social media and how it works to your advantage by applying it to your own brand or career.
Make good use of things like hashtags, especially on Instagram and Twitter, because they can help spread your brand to others and increase engagement. Hashtags help get your content to other people and they make it easier for new people to see your content.
You could also post more often to increase user engagement and develop a routine for your business that’s only going to help it grow. Posting often helps get your content to others on a regular basis and makes you more memorable since your content is always being seen by others.
Sharing your content with your friends and family is also a simple, but very effective way to spread your brand. If you run a clothing brand, ask your friends and family to share your social media pages with others. Doing so could create a domino effect where more and more people will start visiting your pages.
Having a Facebook or Instagram page is great for this because people will be able to see your clothing upfront and they’ll also get to know more about your brand.
Social media is great for expanding your brand and business and by taking certain actions, it can have a very positive effect on your business.
Build your own career
Social media can be helpful in spreading your business if you have already started it beforehand, but you could also be successful by focusing solely on social media and using your knowledge on social media to help you.
Becoming a social media influencer is not an easy task, but with the right approach, you can become successful and build a career out of it.
By doing the aforementioned tasks, like posting regularly or using hashtags, you can get your content to others. But, to become an influencer and start a career out of social media, you have to bring a bit of your own personality and flair to it.
Try to be unique and different from others, because it could show others something new and that will get more people to engage with your content. Being unique can draw people to your content and make them interested and engaged with the kinds of things you post.
If you want to start a career on YouTube, try making your titles stand out to others. Don’t make clickbait titles and try to make sure that you aren’t deceiving your viewers and wasting their time. Make your content almost exactly what the title states it as viewers will trust what kind of content they will be getting from you.
Also, make sure your content is interesting and engaging because that will make people want to continue watching your videos. Showing your personality and character traits is a good way to get people to stay engaged with your content because viewers will feel like they can relate to you.
It can be tempting to jump onto the latest craze and do what others are doing for views, but if you are more human and relatable, your viewers will feel that as well and they’ll be much more engaged with your content and more likely to watch your videos on a regular basis.