Tips to stay focused

By: Vincent Tran

Published on: October 17th, 2023

Photo: Vlada Karpovich (Pexels)

Sometimes staying focused can be difficult. When you’re working on a task or assignment for a while, you may often find your mind drifting to other thoughts or you may feel tired of working on the same thing for a prolonged period of time.  

With how prevalent and easily accessible things such as social media and the internet are nowadays, it may be difficult for you to focus for a long time and you might find yourself scrolling through your phone or browsing the web and not finishing your tasks.  

It’s natural to get distracted every now and then, but if you find yourself getting distracted often and not getting much work done, then some of the tips in this article may help you get back on track and maintain your focus when working.  

Remove distractions 

This is a very crucial part in staying focused, but it also might be the hardest tip to follow through with.  

If you get easily distracted by technology or social media, try to remove all of that from your vicinity. You can take your computers, gaming consoles, or phones out of sight so you don’t even get to look at them, or just simply relocate to a room that may not have much technology in it.  

If you want to have your phone near you, try and use the settings in your phone to help you focus. Use things such as “Do Not Disturb” or set limits on social media apps so you don’t get carried away scrolling. You could even go as far as offloading or deleting apps if you feel you spend too much time on them.  

If you work on your computer, you can use built in applications or extensions such as Just Focus, to help you block certain websites that you frequent often. 

Removing your distractions in one way or another is a good place to start for developing better working habits and it’s also a very important step in maintaining your focus.  

Narrow your workload 

A product of losing focus might be when you are working or thinking about too many things at the same time.  

Sometimes we may have no choice but to multitask and take on multiple projects, but if you can, try your best to just focus on one task at a time. Keep working on your first task until you are finished with it and then move on to the next, as you may feel more accomplished after checking a task off your to-do list.  

When you multitask, your thoughts may end up getting mixed together and you might end up forgetting how to do certain tasks. The more things you have in mind, you will likely lose focus faster and find it harder to stay concentrated.  

It’s okay to work on multiple projects at once, however don’t put all your effort into all of them at once, as you may get overwhelmed and lose your focus very quickly. If you get tired of working on the same thing, then start another project, but always make sure to come back to the first one when you’re ready and finish it, so you don’t have too many tasks to manage at once.   

Photo: Ola Dapo (Pexels)


Make a schedule and plan your time 

As it is with anything else in your life, keeping a schedule and planning ahead can help you focus. Allocating your time appropriately can go a long way in keeping your work flow efficient and to avoid sudden interruptions.  

For example, if you plan to work for three hours straight and then take a 30-minute break, then make sure you avoid all distractions and get to work for three hours. You can use your break time to catch up on any distractions or to look at other things that may have crossed your mind.  

Try to have designated working and relaxing times throughout your day as it will help you understand when you should be working and when you can relax. For different scheduling methods, you can check this article here and try them out for yourself.  

It’s important to have a work and leisure balance as it will not only help you work more efficiently, but it will also help you maintain a healthier and better lifestyle.  

Relax your mind 

Of course, if you’re going to be working for many hours on end, make sure to take some time out of the day for yourself. Try doing things such as listening to music or taking short breaks to gather yourself. Sometimes when you’re constantly working on or thinking of the same thing for long periods of time, it can jumble up your thoughts and make you lose focus.  

That’s why it’s important to do things to relax your mind from time to time. Whether it be watching a few videos on social media or going out on a walk to get some air, try to incorporate that into your routine.  

Even something as easy as sitting back and closing your eyes for a bit can help you regain your focus. Take your mind off what you’ve been working on and try to not think about things that may stress you out. Instead, think about other things, like your passions or people that make you smile, and do this for a bit before going back to your work.  

If you relax for a bit and take your mind off your tasks, you may find that you come back to your work more energised, revitalised, and ready to finish your tasks. This is a simple practice, but it goes a long way in helping you focus.  

Photo: Engin Akyurt (Pexels)

Try different methods  

It’s always best to try out many different methods and working environments to see what works best for you. Whether you can work with background noise or can only work in a quiet setting, it’s up to you to test yourself in each environment to see which one you prefer.  

Something you could try is to change locations when working to find out what works for you. If you find yourself not able to focus in your room or home, try visiting your local coffee shop, library, or even park. Sometimes a change in scenery is all you need, so don’t be afraid to switch things up and try something new.  

The methods highlighted in this article are a good place to start, but you could always branch out and try other methods that may help you focus. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different things to see what helps you. You won’t know what works or doesn’t work for you unless you try it out, so try your best to use different methods that may help you focus.  

Finding a method to help you focus requires a lot of trial and error and it may take a while for some, but if you’re patient you will find a method that will help you focus and it will help you finish your tasks and make you feel more accomplished with all that you’re able to get done.   

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