Why walks are so important
By: Vincent Tran
Published on: April 22nd, 2024

Going for walks or strolls around a neighbourhood or city is something that many people do, whether it be a long or short walk. On the surface it may seem like simply a good way to get in some physical exercise, however walks can be much more than that.
Walks can be a crucial component to improving both your physical and mental health, one that you might not have thought of before.
Here is some insight into why walks are so important and why incorporating them into your daily life might end up improving your lifestyle in more ways than one.
A simple task 
In all actuality, going for a walk is something that does not take much effort to do.
All you have to do is put on a good pair of shoes and go out. It doesn’t have to be for long, maybe just a few minutes at a time, but it is something very simple that isn’t difficult or daunting at all.
Sometimes you may get deterred by a tough task or something that takes a lot of commitment, time, and money, like working out in a gym, but walks don’t require much at all.
This simplicity plays perfectly into many people’s plans and just incorporating walks into your daily life can help improve your health both physically and mentally.
Walking every day or making it a regular occurrence in your day-to-day schedule can also make you want to begin exercising and becoming more active.
A walk can change your mentality in regards to exercising and working out. If you don’t work out regularly, try to start with a walk. Going on walks can motivate you to continue physical exercise and you may find yourself adding a whole workout routine into your daily life.

Building social skills and relationships
Among the many things that walking can improve in your life, one of them includes your social life.
You can invite a few friends to go on a walk with you and chat. It could be a fun way to connect with one another and further strengthen your friendship.
Walking with friends can also be a good way to share a few laughs and catch up on anything you may have missed, if you haven’t seen each other in a while. It is also a free, low maintenance activity.
If you are at your workplace, you could invite one or a few coworkers to go on a walk with you during your lunch break. You can then use that time to get to know each other better. Walks are great for physical exercise and also a great way to socialise and learn more about the people around you.
This in turn could help fortify the relationships you have with your friends and coworkers and help you understand others more. You can find out a lot about someone by just speaking to them, going for a walk is a great way to do so. You may also learn about their interests, and find other activities to participate in together.
Bringing more fun and creativity to yourself
Walks are also a great way to bring more fun into your life. If you walk to different areas of the city regularly, it could become a mini adventure and you could learn a lot more about the city around you.
If you want some ideas to spice up your walks, take a look at this article and try some of the things listed. It could be a great way to add to your walks and try something new.
Walks can also make you more creative and expand your imagination. They can make you feel free and open your mind up to the world around you. As mentioned before, walks can clear your mind and that goes a long way to fuelling your creativity.
If you ever feel uninspired or lacking motivation, go for a quick walk and let your mind roam free, it might end up helping you think of more ideas and increase your creativity and originality.

Improving your mental health
Walks can change your mindset and show you that you can do and achieve a lot more than you think. They are a great way for you to build confidence and self-esteem and that will take you a long way in your personal life.
Walking has many benefits for you, both in terms of your physical and mental health. It can help you feel less lonely and isolated. For example, if you walk in your neighbourhood or city, seeing people out and about can bring you a sense of belonging. You don’t even have to interact with everyone, just simply observing other people can make you feel less lonely.
Walking can also help with bouts of depression and can improve mood. Going for walks can increase your endorphin levels, giving you feelings of wellbeing. It can boost your energy and make you feel a lot better and more accomplished.
In short, the benefits to walks are plentiful. If you haven’t already scheduled a regular walk into your daily plans, then you should do so as soon as possible, as it could help you in many different aspects of your life.