Gender-based violence resource list
By Amanda Owusu
Posted on May 24, 2021
Trigger Warning: This article contains information about abuse, violence, and death.
What is gender-based violence?
Gender-based violence refers to harmful acts directed at someone because of their gender or sex. Everyone has the right to live free from violence. Sadly, many people are targeted and harmed because of their gender. This is not acceptable and is considered to be a human rights violation.
Gender-based violence is a serious problem all over the world. It can take many forms: physical, psychological, economic, and sexual. Examples of gender-based violence include: discrimination, neglect, harassment, child marriage, genital mutilation, domestic violence, and early or forced pregnancy.
In Canada, groups that are more at risk of experiencing gender-based violence include women and girls, Indigenous people, LGBTQ and gender non-conforming people, those living in northern, rural, and remote communities, people with disabilities, newcomers, children, and seniors. The impacts of gender-based violence extend far beyond those who face the harm because the family members, friends, and communities of the person harmed are impacted, too.
Why is it important to know about?
Newcomers are at a higher risk of experiencing gender-based violence due to isolation, racism, language and cultural barriers, economic dependence, and a lack of knowledge about community resources. Awareness of this issue and the resources available could make the difference between life and death for someone you know. So as a newcomer, it’s important to be aware of the different resources for gender-based violence survivors that are around you. If you know of any helpful resources, you could pass this information on to someone in need or use it for yourself. The more you know, the better equipped you are to help yourself and others.
Here is a list of resources like websites, crisis lines, and organizations that will help you or someone you know address gender-based violence issues. These resources can’t replace the police, so if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911 as soon as possible.
Ending Violence Across Canada’s Resource List:
This organization has put together a Canada wide resource list with different hotlines, victim services, shelters, centers, and more resources. This list is great because it provides resources for many different forms of violence.
Canadian Government Gender-Based Knowledge Centre:
This knowledge hub created by the Government of Canada has many learning materials for those looking to learn more about gender-based violence. You will also find a Canada-wide resources list with information that can get you help if you’re facing gender-based violence. If English is not your first language, this hub can also help you find services in a language that you’re more comfortable with.
Am I being abused?
This is a checklist by the United States Office on Women’s Health that provides readers with a guide and criteria they can use to help determine whether or not they are being abused.
Warning signs that a child is experiencing gender-based violence:
This list includes warning signs that you can look for in children to help determine if they are facing some form of gender-based violence.
Warning signs that someone is being abused:
The Canadian government has published a list of warning signs that can help you determine if someone is being abused. This includes information on domestic, child, sexual, and elder abuse.
Crisis lines by province/territory for those impacted by gender-based violence:
The Canadian government provides a list of different crisis lines that you can access in each province and territory. A crisis line is a phone number that people can call to get immediate moral support from trained volunteers. If you need someone to talk to about a situation, you can call a crisis line for help. It does not replace 911, so make sure to call 911 if you are ever experiencing an emergency.
Resources and centres by province/territory for those impacted by gender-based violence:
To learn more about the different resources and centers that you can access in each province and territory, you can check this list, which has been published by the Canadian government.
How can I help a newcomer woman who is experiencing violence at home?
This article provides information on how to help newcomer women who are experiencing violence at home.
The City of Toronto’s domestic/intimate violence resource list:
This resource list includes Ontario-wide and Toronto-based resources. You can find the contact information for different crisis lines, shelters, legal services, and housing services.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline:
This is an Ontario-based helpline for women experiencing any form of abuse. You can visit their website or give them a call for free at 1-866-863-0511 or TTY 1-866-863-7868.
COVID-19 friendly resources for gender-based violence:
The Centre of Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at Western University in Ontario has put together an extensive resource list with different Canadian and Ontario-based resources for people experiencing or wanting to know more about gender-based violence. This resource list provides information on a wide variety of topics and populations such as men, boys, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Shelter Safe’s Canada-wide resource list
Shelter Safe provides the public with a list of different shelters in all the provinces and territories across Canada.
LGBT youthline:
This helpline provides a toll-free number you can call if you’re an LGBTQ youth who needs help of any kind at 647-694-4275. You can also find a long list of Canada-wide resources for LGBTQ people, from self-care materials to information for newcomer youth who are LGBTQ+.
Steps to Justice resource list:
This website provides information for those looking for legal help and resources. It has dedicated sections to those dealing with domestic violence issues or child abuse situations.
Resources for women, LBGTQ, and non-binary survivors of violence:
The Battered Women’s Support Services provides a crisis line that you can call if you’re in need as well as other resources such as self-care and mental health materials for survivors of violence. This Support Centre has many different culturally relevant resources and programs, such as programming for Indigenous, Latin American, and Black women. This is a Canada wide program with physical locations in British Columbia.
Resource list for women in Canada:
If you’re a woman looking for help, the Canadian Women’s Foundation has put together a COVID-19 friendly list with resources and support you can access. This list includes information for all the territories and provinces as well as information on shelters, legal services, and resource centers.
The Canadian Government’s Gender-based Strategy:
About Gender-based Violence:
Types of Gender-based Violence:
It’s Time to Acknowledge by the Canadian Government:
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